Fish farming can block the six feng shui taboos that support Feng Shui Fish

Fish conservation has certain effects in Feng Shui. However, what kind of position must be placed must not be underestimated. It is a bit of a mistake and it is very harmful. This method, if used properly, can attract wealth and treasure, health and fitness. However, if you want to catch up with the trend, people think that if you put “feng shui fish” at home, you know the feng shui fish has a style, but it lacks the mind to take care of them, which makes the water in the cylinders turbid and stinking. This is not only counter-productive, it does not show you nobleness. taste. The unhealthy water in the cylinder will endanger the health of the family and harm the home.

Not only meditation but also the vaporization of fish tanks can regulate the humidity of the indoor air. Relieve the visual fatigue, beautify the environment, regulate the oxygen content and humidity of the indoor air. I don't know if everyone knows that there are still many taboos in Feng Shui.

Under normal circumstances, keeping Feng Shui Fish has the following taboos:

1. The fish tank should not be placed in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place of harmony and tranquility. After a long day of hard work, it is necessary to recuperate and restore spiritual strength in a quiet environment. The bedroom needs to be calm and quiet. Pneumatic is not suitable. It will reduce the quality of sleep and it will also affect health. If it is a couple's bedroom, it will also affect each other's feelings.

2. Avoid being close to fire. The fish tank holds water and the water ignites fire, so it is not tolerable. If the fish tank is put together with the fire-fighting thing, it will easily bring bad influence to the fortune. Things that are fire are: TVs, rice cookers, electric stoves and other electrical appliances. Anything that produces heat is a fire. If it is put together with a fish tank, it will make the air in the house incoherent and should be placed separately.

Home Feng Shui two bedroom decoration three bedroom decoration fish tank Feng Shui appliances

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