Add another wonderful record of Qijia users kitchen ceiling decoration

First of all, thank you for the group purchase event held on this site! Let my home decoration add a major highlight at the end of the game! Let our comfortable home have a perfect ending.

Originally thought that casually looking for the ceiling brand package material loaded on the OK ~ the result of mistakes hit the site to buy activities to go up and chose the idyllic idyllic ceiling. The equipment is good. Praise the pastoral pastoral, very professional ~ really good, thanks again to this site!

The pictures before the installation, the water pipes and wires, were all exposed.

This does not know what to do, it seems to be used to pick up those parts, gadgets, there are signs. The product is very fine.

Two rooms simple style 50,000-100,000 decoration picture beauty tile pictures

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welded stainless steel pipe

Tianyi Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. ,

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