Tile color and form collocation principle

The color of tile products is very rich, and in the face of a dazzling array of tiles, how should consumers choose and match it? Tile color has six principles: Principle 1: Dark and light colors, such as black and white, dark and light, dark green and light gray can be used together. Principle 2: Similar colors, such as yellow and green, red and purple, red and orange, orange and yellow. Principle 3: Collocation of similar colors, such as the combination of light yellow and dark yellow, black and gray. Principle 4: The combination of cool color and warm color, the relationship between cold and warm colors depends on contrast, resulting from people's natural life experience, and it is also very distinctive. Principle 5: Infinity color and color matching, black, white, gold, silver and gray are called non-polar colors, and they can be matched with any color. Principle 6: Collocation of contrasting colors, such as red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange, and black and white. In practical use, several methods are usually used simultaneously. In the specific paving, the color should be determined with a color as the main color, with another or several colors composed of primary and secondary relations with a clear, should not be equal to a variety of color components. The four principles of form collocation are: Principle 1: The combination of big and small, and the pursuit of balance in the comparison of the size of the area. Principle 2: The matching of squares and circles and the matching of patterns can achieve a large area of ​​coordination and avoid tediousness. Principle 3: Point-to-face matching, combined with points can avoid the boring simplicity. Principle 4: The combination of length and short-term, differences in Datong, and changes in comparison. In short, the collocation of forms should pursue the principle of grand unification and small contrast. Of course, specific collocation applications must be rationally combined with factors such as the surrounding environment and user preferences.

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